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Employee Health, Wellness, Safety Advice and Support

Assisting  your business to deal effectively with Employee Health and Wellness

The Durban Chamber Foundation:

  • Provides current accurate information to minimize the impact of employees ill health on business
  • Provides specialist assistance in the development of clear workplace policies and effective TB and HIV prevention programmes and support for employees infection and affected by HIV and AIDS.
  • Updates members on legislations, employee benefits and the provision of treatment
  • In consultation with members, develop codes of best practice in managing wellness within the workplace and, including codes on HIV counselling and testing, nutrition, stress management and treatment.
  • Offers Wellness days and TB and HIV prevention programmes
  • Provides DOTS and Peer Educator workshops
  • Provides training for Mangers and Supervisors on dealing with HIV and TB in the workplace
  • Offers CSI programme management
  • Offers workplace health and safety advice

Workplace Policy Development

DCF offers Chamber members a generic HIV/AIDS policy, for the development and subsequent implementation in their businesses.

For more information on the Workplace Wellness Desk please contact

Nirvada Albert Tel 031 335 1000 Fax 086 7422 378 or


Enterprise Development Department

Role of the Durban Chamber Enterprise Development Dept.

The promotion of entrepreneurship in small and medium businesses remains an important priority for the Durban Chamber of Commerce as a means to grow the economy and ensure wider participation in the mainstream economy. Great effort has been invested by the Enterprise Development Department within the Chamber to contribution towards implementing SMME Development Programmes of the Durban Chamber. Below are some of the activities of the Durban Chamber to support SMMEs.

  • Business Advice & Support
    • Information Services

- Effective Guidance to Small Businesses

- Provide information on how to set up a small business

- Give advice on how and where to register a legal entity

- How to register for tax purposes

- How to put together a business plan

- Trade information

- Provide General Information Related To Small Businesses

- Handle all small business related enquiries

  • Training & Development

- Arrange For Presentations and Workshops for SMMEs

- Identify training needs for SMMEs

- Conduct business skills and development seminars for SMMEs

- Mentorship programmes

- SMME Conferences

   Access to Finance

  • Provide information and advice on access to finance both through financial Institutions and government agencies.
For more information on the Chamber’s Enterprise Development Initiatives, please contact

Dumile Khubone on Tel 031 3351040

Human Resource Services

  • First line HR/IR advice and support.
  • Basic compliance requirements with Employment and Skills Development legislation.
  • Members may access this service via, telephone, email and visit (preferably by appointment).
  • HR/IR guidelines on various topics are available on request and if not may be researched and prepared as required.
  • Referral to consultants who are Chamber members for more serious HR/IR issues.
  • Co-ordination of the HR forum which meets on a monthly basis. HR practitioners who work for member businesses are encouraged to attend. The forum contributes to the aims and objectives of the Chamber by addressing, human resource, labour affairs and social policy issues. The forum tries to arrange a topical presentation at the start of each meeting. Chamber members are welcome to attend presentations, participate in meetings and obtain advice from those in attendance at meetings. Details of meetings are advertised in the daily Digest.

For further information contact Diana Boast, tel.: 031 335 1014, E-mail:

International Trade


- Source potential importers of your products

- Participate in the Chamber’s outward trade mission programme

- Use the Chamber’s influence in introducing your company to international

Contacts, including Chambers of Commerce worldwide

- Obtain information on export regulations and procedures

- Obtain guidance on export documentation requirements – the Chamber is the internationally recognized body for the authentication of certificates of origin and other export documents

- Purchase a copy of the Exporters Manual


- Make contact with members of visiting trade delegations

- Source products from international suppliers from other chmabers

- Obtain information on import regulations and procedures

ATA Carnet

If you are taking samples, photographic equipment, exhibition material or other goods which will return with you, this is a useful document which obviates the need for you to pay customs duty on these goods on your arrival overseas and return to South Africa.

This document is only issued by South African Chamber of Commerce {SACCI} but application forms are available from the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Business Services and International Trade department.


This is an introduction card issued free of charge by the Chamber to members traveling Overseas. It requests the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the city being visited to give you any assistance you may require during your stay.

For more information on Business Services and International Trade Department

Please contact

Rokeya Valli 031 3351025 e-mail:

Policy and Advocacy


  • Identifying government policy of relevance to business in Durban
  • Informing, through research, broader perspectives and approaches on such policy
  • Reviewing policy incorporating the expertise and experience of standing and area committees
  • Liaising with relevant institutional structures to enhance robust collaboration
  • Amplifying core issues that impact on business with a short, medium and long term perspective
  • Promoting a proactive appreciation of broad based economic, social and environmental sustainability
  • Advocating good practice to our members and enabling policy to the city, province and state
  • Assisting in promoting partnership approaches to complex problematical issues influencing business.

In this way we provide an articulate vision led voice for our member community

For more information regarding Policy and Advocacy initiatives contact:

Justice Matarutse on, 031 335 1000.

State Warehouse Services

The State Warehouse Returns list all un-cleared or unclaimed cargo that has been transferred to the State Warehouse at the Durban Harbour and the Durban International Airport. By receiving this list, you are able to trace and clear your missing cargo before it is auctioned. Notification of all auction sales is firstly communicated and made available to Durban Chamber subscribers before this information is made public via the various newspapers.

Why spend all your precious time trying to locate goods overseas, when they could be sitting on your doorstep? For only R1249.00(inc. VAT) per annum, the information is emailed to you. To take advantage of this, contact the Business Services Department.

For more information on the Business Services Department

please contact Rokeya Valli

on Tel 031 3351000 Fax 031 3321288


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